Xplosion Hamburg Edition III on 24th – 26th Jan 2025

✪ What to Expect? ✪
❥ +13 hrs of workshops with International and National Artists.
❥ 2 Big Parties with Artists/Guest Dancers and International DJs
❥ Lot more exciting, Fun, Dance & Xplosion

★ Full Pass
★ Party Pass
★ Day Pass – Only At Door

★ There will be an official photographer / Videographers for the party nights

Information: Tickets are non-refundable and purchases are final. But you can sell the tickets and change the name of the passes until Dec 2024.

For Any other questions please contact:
❥ Instagram / Facebook: @xplosion_event
❥ Email: Info@xplosionevent.com
❥ Mobile: +49 17684175366

Event organised by

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